All Saints Students Mark Feast of St. Francis of Assisi with Donation Drive
On Friday, October 4, All Saints Catholic School students presented a collection of “wish list” items to the Bangor Humane Society. The date coincides with the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi who was known for his love of all of God's creatures. Students in the 4th and 5th grades coordinated the donation drive and promoted it throughout the school community. Items collected included food, treats, toys and blankets for the humane society’s animals big and small.
Fifth grader Shyla explained, “Donating to the animals is special because they are homeless and need love too.”
Fourth grader Abel said, “Whenever he (St. Francis) preached, the animals would surround him.”
A representative from the Bangor Humane Society arrived to school with “Pops” and older dog in their care. The students learned that their donations may have a wider impact in the community as the Humane Society also helps provide items for people in the area needing assistance caring for their pets. Pops was very well behaved and enjoyed the extra attention from our students.
In celebration of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, several churches throughout the Diocese of Portland will hold Blessing of the Animals prayer services in October. St. Paul the Apostle Parish will hold a Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, October 6, outside of St. Mary Church, 768 Ohio Street in Bangor, at 1 p.m. All are welcome to bring their well-behaved animals, (leashed or in crates please) to receive a blessing. Weather permitting, no rain date will be scheduled.